Online Registration

Live Fire Instructor

The Live Fire Instructor certification provides certificate holders with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to safely conduct live fire training evolutions. The certification meets the minimum requirements set forth in the nationally recognized standard, NFPA 1403: “Standard on Live Fire Training Evolutions.”

Course Entrance Requirements:


Prior to admission into a Live Fire Instructor Operations course, an individual shall meet all of the following requirements:

  • Possess a current Fire Instructor or Assistant Fire Instructor certificate by State of Ohio EMS and that is in good standing;
  • Shall have an agency sponsor and shall provide a letter signed by their chief and/or training officer, approving their participation in the course; and
  • Shall have successfully completed the following National Incident Management (NIMS) courses: IS 700, ICS 100 or online equivalent, and ICS 200;
  • Students must have a complete set of NFPA compliant bunker gear as well as SCBA.


NOTE: Students are expected to bring a current copy of NFPA 1403 with them to class each day.  Homework assignments are required for completion of the program as well as a demonstration burn at the end of the program here at Auburn Career Center. Some students will be required to complete additional student teaching time in specific JPR areas during at least two different live fire operations. Please refer to the ODPS guidelines for specifics on teach back time and JPR completion, or as the lead instructor. (ODPS Guidelines)


Please contact our office regarding availability of this course:
